Falling Away and the Gift of the Unknown
A Time for Everything There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die A...

Healing Mantras, What Does That Actually Mean?
What are Healing Mantras? To understand what a healing mantra is we first need to understand what a mantra is. I feel that in our modern...

Downton Abbey Fans
Dear Shanti Shanti Friends, It is not secret that we are Downton Abbey Fans. We wrote and produced the song Little Flower as both a...

Diwali: Festival of Light
Happy Halloween and Happy Diwali! I find it fascinating that so many of the ancient religions from around the world celebrate Light and...
The Science of Life
Dear Friends, As the beautiful crisp spring faded, and gave way to the hot and dry summer that we experience in Nevada, I became...

A Happy New Year
Dear Shanti Shanti Friends, Happy New Year and more importantly let this be a Blessed upcoming year. I hope we all have a year of good...

A Joyful Holiday
Please listen to the latest Shanti Shanti podcast to hear some of our thoughts about the Holiday Season, holiday music and some good...

Hello, We had a couple of public appearance and it was great to be performing again. We so enjoyed getting out there and singing our...

The Courage To Be You
Hello, This is an exciting and motivating podcast where the Shanti sisters discuss what it really means to be yourself. They also give...

Beacons Of Light
Hello, With the world so very, very disturbing and dark it is so good to see a story that portrays such light. This story of The...