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Easy & Tasty! Super Fun Bread Project!

I love that during this unsure time so many of us turned to making bread. We improved our skill and it gave us a goal and a reasonable hobby. The only problem was that the supplies in the stores shortly ran out and yeast was not available. I turned, like many others to breads that did not require yeast. I am still intimidated by sourdough, as it is my favorite and I know I would not do well with a trial and error process. However, there was a fun type of bread that really caught my attention and I want to share it with you.

If you have little ones at home or are looking for an easy, short, fun bread process, then this is the bread for you! It tastes so good and now, whenever I make it, my boys fight over who gets the last piece.

I think that bread is fascinating! It appears in almost every civilization as a staple food in homes since the beginning of time. So I have always aspired to be good making bread. So far I am not very good, but I am good at making this kind of bread!

I was on my Facebook feed and this video popped up. I was just fascinated by it. I loved watching her hands work and I thought it was neat that she made this amazing food with so few ingredients. So I set out to try and make it for my family.

The recipe is in this video. Yes! It is really that simple. The more you do it, the easier it gets! I made the square version of this bread and it wasn't pretty or symmetrical, but it tasted amazing. It is flakey like a pastry, in that it has a little crunch and is a little chewy too. I don't know what kind oil they used in the video, but I decided to use olive oil as it is so good for you and it is flavorful.

Below are the photos of my first time! It was so fun and now I make it about once a week!

Rolling it out!

Little oily bead pouches ready to be rolled out and fried on the skillet!

Frying on the skillet!

Not so pretty, but super tasty bread! It has such a rugged look to it, but that makes it even more fun!

I really encourage you to make this tasty bread! Prepare to get a little flour everywhere as you have this multi-sensory experience. You cant really mess it up, so including kids in the experience is fun.

I paired the bread with other Indian food. I made lentils with veggies and then an apple chutney. It was so good and so fulfilling!

So if you are looking to do something homey and yet easy, this is the project for you!



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