Falling Away and the Gift of the Unknown
A Time for Everything
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die
A time to plant and a time to uproot
A time to kill and a time to heal
A time to tear down and a time to build.
A time to weep and a time to laugh
A time to embrace and a time to refrain
A time to search and a time to give up
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
What time is this? While I actually don't know, I rest in the beautiful seasons that carry us to the next scene. As Autumn gets under way during the strangest year probably any of us have had, I am finding myself reflecting and wondering. During this time I have learned more than in all of my adult years combined. I have learned about mental endurance, the cycle of life and death, I have learned about what is really important, I am learning patients and flexibility. I have learned about the beauty of simplicity.
One of the most interesting things I have learned is that I truly don’t know what is going to happen moment for moment. This has forced me to live and enjoy things right now and not plan too far into the future.
This is problematic if you have kids in that they ask, “Can we do this or that tomorrow?” And now I respond with “I don’t know, I have no idea what tomorrow may hold.” I have never had to redo my plans so intensely as I have had to do in 2020, and that is hard for little minds to understand. It is hard for big minds to understand too.
But now, after a tumultuous summer of election negativity and dealing with a pandemic, we find ourselves in the autumn heading toward the cozy season. It is the season of baking, movies, stories, a time to do all those things which warm your heart and soul. In this season, I am allowing the gift of flexibility to pervade my consciousness. I am relaxing and whatever the holidays look like, is just fine. I don’t know what we are doing. I don’t who we will see. I am finding that plans are totally pointless right now.

Time feels funny and almost dream-like, and the weeks are just melting away into the amalgam of 2020. There is no need to become wound up about this or that because who knows if that may even happen. Only God knows what the future holds and I am learning to be ok with that.
We did a video called “Falling Away” and it is about letting go and making room for something beautiful. It features the seasons and how nature lets go and makes way for huge changes and now, we are being asked to do the same.
Enjoy this video and let yourself enjoy the gifts that this crazy year as brought out in you. What are you dreaming of? While we are waiting for some normalcy, I am dreaming of new life, but all while understanding that it is “Falling Away.”